Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I now belong to the Upcycle club......

I never buy "just a few" of anything. There's no such thing as "try me" with me. I go all the way. Hence was the case where I purchased 5,000 double sided (one for each shop) business cards from Overnight Prints after hearing how wonderful they were. *Cough* The cards came and they were horrible. Off center, some were not colored, and about 1/8 of the cards weren't even mine! Someone was asleep in quality control the night my cards were printed. To make a long story short, I complained, and after jumping through several hoops, I got another set of cards. That makes 10,000. Shortly after this fiasco, I went through a midlife crisis of sorts and decided to rebrand my Auntie Di's shop. Something a little more "me". Ok, no biggie, I could still use them. I didn't want to, but I could. Then I decided I can't hang with the big dogs and have three shops any more, one had to go. So I sold the soap shop. Now I had a double sided card that was no good to me any more. So I ordered new ones with my new logo. They came and were fabulous! But, this left me with 10 boxes of business cards I couldn't use laying around. What to do with them? I shuffled them here and there, I organized my craft room and pushed them around some more. I took them down and pondered throwing them out. What to do with these darn things? I hate to waste the money I spent on them by just chucking them. Finally, while I was fondling my paper the other day, an idea came to me!!! GIFT TAGS!!! So I played around and here's what I came up with. I've got several sets listed in my paper shop. I made a few more sets this evening, so they'll be ready to go tomorrow. Not a bad ending for these babies I don't think!

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