Friday, December 5, 2008

Check out Artfire!!

ArtFire - Buy Handmade - Sell Handmade

Register on

So, I know I've mentioned Artfire before, and I've been trying to keep you updated on my little 'branching out' project. It has been a great Friday, because today, I got my FIRST SALE on Artfire!! WOOHOO! I've had presence there for about a week. I've spent a little time listing some more items there tonight, and I'll definitely be giving it a bit of time to see how it does.

Another great tool is Own The Hour. I've been purchasing several slots a day (at .50 each, how can you go wrong?) and it seems to be working. Slots go on sale at midnight for the next day. (For example, at midnight on Friday night, slots go on sale for Sunday.) It's definitely another tool that I will keep utilizing.

Have no fear, I'm not giving up on Etsy, nor do I think I ever will. I've been there 3 years, and I have built up a lovely clientele there, and I do feel a bit of loyalty to Etsy. You know how it goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" :)

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