Sunday, January 6, 2008

A Brief Introduction

I'm nuts...that's what all my friends, my kids, and possibly even my husband will tell you! I go to the craft stores several times a week (and we won't even mention my online shopping addiction!), and I always walk out with something. I'm always thinking up new things to create. I decided to create this blog so you could keep up with the Auntie....after all, the Joneses aren't that exciting are they?

Currently, I have three Etsy shops, which I create for regularly. I will definitely not be opening another one, but my husband is about to depart on a screenprinting endeavor also.
For artisan jewelry and soy candles
For fun paper goodies! Etsy seller's thank yous, unique packaging alternatives.

For luscious MP soaps!

At any one time you can find me in the kitchen creating something new! Or possibly the basement playing with beads, or maybe at the kitchen table playing with paper and a glue stick! (It brings back Kindergarten memories!)

Drop by, shoot me a message! Let's chat! I love meeting people, learning new things, chatting! :)

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